Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Meet Your Colleague: A Q&A with Systems Support Specialist Omar Campos

Name: Omar Campos

Job title: Systems Support Specialist

Department: Information Systems

How long have you worked at Whitworth? Three years

What do you like best about your job? The people – everyone from my boss and my co-workers to the campus community and the folks we serve.

In what ways do your gifts and abilities help meet the needs of the campus community? While fixing computers and troubleshooting software and hardware issues are a big part of my job, I also enjoy educating our users so they are better equipped to do their jobs, and are better informed about viruses and other threats.

Favorite book: Miles: The Autobiography (Miles Davis with Quincy Troupe)

Favorite movie: Don’t have just one. I love comedy, horror and documentaries.

Favorite food: Ribs, but I’m trying to eat healthier nowadays

Favorite quote: “What are you going to do, force-feed him bananas while you’re cutting his hair?” My sister overheard this part of a conversation in a restaurant, and I’ve never forgotten it; it’s hilarious.

Favorite music: I love all genres, but I probably listen to more hip hop and jazz.

Favorite animal: I’m a cat person, but I love all animals that don’t try to kill me.

Guilty pleasure: A good bottle of red wine every now and then

Hobbies: Listening to music, making music, songwriting and any kind of writing, hiking, camping, bowling, taking road trips, and whatever else is fun

Best vacation ever: I visited my Uncle Jim in the Virginia countryside when I was 18 and had an absolute blast.

Birthplace: Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico

We’d be surprised to know that… I hate cheese, and I’m NOT lactose intolerant.

I collect… lots and lots and lots of music in every format and genre, and also music equipment

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? Europe

What cartoon character best describes you? Taz from Looney Toons

If you could try anything and not fail, what dream would you attempt? I would start my own record label and concentrate on putting out good music, not over-marketed, syrupy junk!

What is your favorite sound? The sound of the Roland TR-808 electronic bass drum – you know, the boom you hear in cars driving by. It can actually be quite soothing, and it vibrates your car seat so you get a good back massage.

What is your life motto? Live for today and quit worrying about the future (though sometimes I have a hard time following my own advice).

If the whole world was listening, what would you say? Stop all the hate; we’re ALL God’s children!”

Favorite childhood book: The King, the Mice and the Cheese

Favorite childhood TV show: “Transformers”

If you could go on a road trip with anyone (from the past or present), who would you choose and where would you go? I’d go back to the future with Doc Brown!

Best high school class subject: Band/orchestra